UNIVERSİTY / Science / Help to Healthcare Organizations

The activity of Azerbaijan medical university s staff, which has a great scientific potential, covers many urgent health problems in the country. Employees of the University provide scientific and practical assistance to regional hospitals through city clinical hospitals and sanitation and technical services.

Employee of the Department of I Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor N.M. Kamilova participated in the grant competition on the topic "Multidisciplinary approach to the structural and functional properties of proteins in healthy and sick people", funded by the Foundation for the Development of Science under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

An employee of the Physical Education and Sports Department was sent to the Operations Committee of this event in connection with the holding of the 1st European Games in Baku.

Every year on April 23, 2014, an event dedicated to World Immunodeficiency Day is held. The event was organized on the initiative of Professor G. Nasrullaeva on April 23 under the title "Immunization Week" for patients. In addition, on December 15, 2015, a round table was held with the Jeffrey Modell Foundation International Foundation and AMU Immunology Course on "Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome".

The employees of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry regularly contacted the LLC "Center for Drug Expertise" and the company "Azerfarm LTD", which controls the analytical laboratory of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and provided assistance in consultations and experimental studies.

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